Deep Treatments and (Ingredients) Samples

EN (English)

Deep Treatments and (Ingredients) Samples 

Deep Treatment or Conditioning Process

Fully saturate hair with products and work in sections (2 to 12 sections).

Detangle hair while fully saturated with fingers first, then with a wide tooth comb and if you have enough slip you can further detangle with a detangling brush.

Use some heat and keep your conditioner a little longer than recommended, if you have low porosity hair (hair that has difficulties to absorb products). Hence, use tepid water, plastic cap, heat cap, tepid/hot towel or warm up just a little your deep treatment using boiling water (bain-marie). 

Don't over condition regularly, for a whole night for example : around 1 hour is enough, in general, for low porosity hair if you use some heat.

Deep Treatment Types

There are different textures of deep treatments :
1. water (water based infused with plants or herbs or seeds or powders)
2. oil (oil based infused with plants or herbs or seeds or powders or not infused)
3. cream (water and oil based with other thick ingredients) 

Among those various textures, there are deep treatments with various goals defining henceforth a new categorization.
Those goals are :
1. oil treatment (oil based)
2. moisturizing deep treatment (water and oil based)
3. strengthening or fortifying deep treatment (water and/or oil infused with plants or herbs or seeds or powders)
4. protein deep treatment (with protein)

What we look for in our hair is a balance between moisture and protein. Low porosity hair (hair that has difficulties to absorb products) needs more moisture whereas high porosity hair (hair that absorbs products easily but at the same time has problem to keep products in) needs more protein. Hair porosity is more like a spectrum of values. Hence, all hair types needs water, oil and protein but at different degrees. The challenge is to find your specific balance by listening to your hair and being able to figure out what your hair needs at a given moment.  

Not to mention humectants (glycerin, aloe vera, honey) that are responsible of attracting and retaining water (from the environment) into the hair. They act like little sponges and can easily penetrate the hair shaft.

Deep Treatment (Ingredients) Samples

1. See Deep treatment of the market : moisturizing or strengthening or fortifying or protein-based

2. Regular Conditioner or Hair Mask, egg, honey, oils, essential oil

3. yoghurt, egg, honey, oils, essential oil

4. avocado, egg, honey, oils, essential oil

5. banana, egg, honey, oils, essential oil

6. yoghurt, avocado, banana, egg, honey, oils, essential oil

7. Hot (tepid) Oil Treatment : olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, castor oil, essential oil

8. Water/Oil infusion : water/oil, green tea or black tea, hibiscus, rice, essential oil

9. Clay mask : water, rhassoul/bentonite, essential oil 

10. Ayurvedic plants powders (water/oil/cream infusion) : water, henna and indigo or cassia, amla, aloe vera gel or powder, conditioner, oils, essential oil

Note 1 - Always proceed to a test with a small section of hair on the back before applying any strong products (full protein treatment, ayurvedic treatment) on the entire hair to see how the hair reacts.

Note 2 - If the hair is too dry after a deep treatment (full protein treatment, ayurvedic treatment, clay, water/oil infusion), proceed to a moisturizing deep treatment afterwards (moisturizing deep treatment of the market, avocado/yoghurt/banana/conditioner/mask).


Deep treatments cycle

Here is a sample of deep treatments cycle rotation : 

1. Moisturizing deep treatment of the market  
2. Mild protein treatment of the market
3. DIY moisturizing deep treatment (yoghurt/avocado/banana/conditioner/mask) - Note : Use protein-free and cheap conditioner or mask  
4. DIY moisturizing and strenghtening/protein deep treatment (water/oil infusion with plants or herbs or seeds or powders -green tea, black tea, hibiscus, fenugreek, rice- + DIY moisturizing deep treatment with or without hydrolysed protein)



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