How to manipulate (detangle, style, unstyle) your hair to reduce breakage?

EN (English)

How to manipulate (detangle, style, unstyle) your hair to reduce breakage?

Knowing how to manipulate your hair is very important in a healthy hair care routine as well as products used. Products nourrish, moisturize and also ease hair manipulation. 

Here are some tips when handling particularly type 4 hair.

1. Be patient and gentle with your hair. 

2. Work on damped, oiled, (deep) conditioned or moisturized hair. You can use your favorite detangler as well. 

3. Put your hair in sections (2 to 12) and work (detangle, style, unstyle) in even smaller sections. The longer your hair is going to be the less sections you are going to need. The looser your curl pattern is the less sections you are going to need.

4. Use your fingers first to detangle your hair : finger massage your hair (preening, praying method),
gently pull and separate your hair, finger comb your hair.Then use a wide tooth comb and if you have enough slip, you can detangle more with a detangling brush that works on your hair type.

5. When you come accros a knot, gently pull each strand of hair that can come out easily out of the knot. When there is no strand left that can be pull out of the knot and if the knot is still there then cut the knot with a shear.

6. Use appropriate detangling and styling tools!  Use a wide or medium tooth comb or a tail comb that is slick and with no fabrication flaws that can snag your hair. Use a detangling brush that works for type 4 hair.

7. Start detangling from the ends and gently work your way up to the roots (fingers, combs, detangling brushes). If necessary, put a hand between the roots and the comb/brush, to reduce the tension towards the roots, while detangling.

8. When you are done detangling with a section, put your hair back in a twist or a single braid or a bantu knot to keep it stretched and hence to avoid re-tangling. Moreover, while doing these plaits pay attention to avoid any tension on the scalp. 

Note 1 - Shedding is hair loss. Shed strands of hair are normally (long) strands with a bulb at one end. Everyone sheds hair approximately 50 to 100 strands per day. 

Note 2 - Breakage is hair snapped. Broken strands of hair are normally (short) piece of hair without any bulb. You create breakage when manipulating your hair. Though it is impossible to prevent breakage, a good hair care routine and good habits can reduce it significantly.



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