August 2020 and February 2021 - Trim and Length Check

 EN (english)

August 2020 and February 2021 - Trim and Length Check

As promise, every six months I give you an update about my hair growth after a good trim as well as my daughter's.

My hair is growing regularly. In august 2020, it was measuring 8,66 inches (22cm) which represents a growth of 1,97 inches (5cm) in six months. Recently, in february 2021, my hair were measuring 10,24 inches (26cm) which is a growth of 1,57 inches (4cm) in six months. I don't use heat on my hair (no brushing, no straigthening). Then, the measuring is not very precise.

Onto my daughter. Her hair made a plateau in august 2020 because it was measuring 12,6 inches (32cm) which was a growth of only 0,39 inch (1cm) in six months. Recently, in february 2021, her hair was measuring 13,77 inches (35cm) that represents 1,18 inches (3cm) of growth in six months. Her hair seems to be growing slowly. This can be due to the fact that the measurement on non straightened hair is more and more unprecise as the hair is growing. So for the next measurements, i am going to do a brushing (no bone straightening) before measuring the hair.

Next length check will be in august 2021 on a brushing. I am going to start including a little heat in our routine with 2 brushing (no bone straigthening) every six months (no more than 4 brushing a year). 



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