November 2023 - Body Care - Hair Care - Summary

Body Care - Hair Care - Summary 

EN (english)

November 2023 - Body Care - Hair Care - Summary 

Body Care

Daily washing 

For the daily washing, you can use shower gel or soap superfatted preferably. The shower gel is more gentle for the skin and less drying. 

Among the superfatted (Surgras) shower gels in the market, we have: 

- LaRoche Posay Lipikar Gel/Creme-Douche Surgras

- Avene Gel Surgras 

- Roger Cavailles Gel Surgras 

- Cadum Gel Surgras Beurre de Karite 

Tips for Soaps - You can transform soaps into pseudo gels by diluting or dissolving a little soap chunk in tepid water, then you can put the solution in a small container with a suitable cap, eventually you can add a couple of vitamin E drops. Liquid soap mixture: 20g soap, 100ml tepid (lukewarm) water, vitamin E.

Among the superfatted soaps in the market, we have: 

- LaRoche Posay Lipikar Pain Surgras 

- Avene Pain Surgras 

- Roger Cavailles Savon Surgras 

- Soap (Black African Soap, Alep Soap, etc.) 

Deep washing


Frequence : every 2 weeks for the face, during vacations for the hair and body  

Clay Mask for hair, body and face. 

For hair and body, you can buy dry powder of clay and make the mixture yourself with water and eventually a couple of vitamin E drops. Clay Mask Mixture: 3 to 6 tbsp of clay (bentonite, rhassoul, kaolin), 200ml of tepid (lukewarm) water, vitamin E.

However, for the face, which is a more sensible area, clay can be pretty drying. So in case of dryness, it is suitable to buy ready to use mixture from the market or drugstore, like: clay mask green/pink Cattier

Honey Mask can also be used for facial skin care to improve hydration. 

Scrub can also be used as a deep cleansing process for face and body. Scrub Mixture: 8 tbsp of fine salt, 2 tbsp of castor oil.


For hydrating your skin, you should favor non-comedogenic oils, butters or cream that do not clog your pores and by so prevent or reduce the appearance of pimples. 


Among non-comedogenic oils or butters, we have: 

- grapeseed oil that has a thin consistency.

- castor oil that has a thick consistency and therefore is more suitable for winter. 

- shea butter that is suitable for winter, for lips, elbows, knees and feet when they are very dry.

Mixture of Shea butter and oil (whipped) : 4 tbsp of  shea butter melted (bain marie), 2 tbsp of grapeseed oil, 2 tbsp of castor oil, 10 drops of vitamin E.

At the drugstore, you can find non-comedogenic moisturizing cream for your body and face, like: 

- LaRoche Posay Lait/Baume

- Avene Lait

In case of Acne : Apply a very good skin care routine/hygiene with suitable products (cleansing, hydration, mask, scrub). Use pimples patches. See a dermatologist. In case of light to medium acne, you will have in general a gel (for example, Differine, for application directly on pimples as opposed to a whole area) and a lotion (for example, Eryfluid, for application on an area). In case of severe acne, you will rather have pills. 


Tools for Nails: nail clippers, nail files, transparent nail polish, colored nail polish, nail polish remover, nail stickers. 

Avoid using cutting tools (razor, blade) : it cuts,  causes infections, pimples, cysts, ingrown hair. For boys, use a hair or beard trimmer. For girls, use wax (punctually, you can use depilatory cream). Scrub your skin before. See a dermatologist and consider laser if necessary. 


Tools for Hair Removal: hair removal pincer (tweezers), home DIY wax without strips, market wax without strips (Nair), laser hair removal compatible with your skin type if needed. 



Recipe for home DIY wax without strips  

In a pan, with low heat, mix 2 cups of white powdered sugar (around 50g), 1/2 cup of water, 2 tbsp of honey and filtered juice of half of a lemon (to removed the pulp).

With a wooden spatula, stir slowly (around 10 minutes) until getting a homogenous brown mixture called caramel. 

If you have a kitchen thermometer, check that the temperature do not exceed 120 degrees celcius, otherwise your caramel will be brittle and unusable. 

let it cool down for a couple of minutes, to avoid burning yourself (keep the hot dough away from children reach). Check the texture when the dough is tepid with your fingers by trying to mold it. If the wax is thick and pliable, it is ready!

This wax can be re-used by heating it up in the micro-waves or with the "bain-marie" technique (keep the hot dough away from children reach). 


Frequency Beautician : during vacation 


Hair Care 

Tools: wide tooth comb, medium tooth comb, fine tooth comb with a tail, Tangle Teezer brush or Denmann brush, clips, elastics/scrunchies, spray bottle, small bottle containers with suitable cap, satin/silk bonnet, satin/silk pillowcase, microfiber towel, hair ornaments, plastic caps, heating cap or bonnet, hair dryer. 

Frequence : every 2 weeks, every months 

Pre-poo mixture: 8 tbsp of aloe vera gel, 2 tbsp of olive oil, vitamin E.


Drench hair with water and slightly towel dry the hair

Apply olive oil

Apply by portion the Pre-poo mixture above made of aloe vera gel and olive oil

Unravel the hair and detangle the hair with fingers and then with a wide tooth comb or tangle teezer

Twist the portion

Make 4 to 10 sections according to your hair length and density 


Clay Mask. Mixture of clay mask: 3 to 6 tbsp of clay mask (bentonite, rhassoul, kaolin), 200ml of tepid (lukewarm) water, vitamin E. 

Liquid black african soap. Mixture liquid soap: 20g of soap, 100ml of tepid (lukewarm) water, vitamin E.

Commercial Shampoo without sulfate (Tresseme 2 in 1, As I am Clarity shampoo, Curls Blueberry Bliss, Camille Rose) 

Anti-dandruff Shampoo (Selsun, Granier Fructis, Head and Shoulders) 


Commercial Mask hydrating (As I am Hydration Elation, Curls cashmere & caviar hair masque, Camille Rose Algae Renew)

Commercial Mask lightly protein (Cantu Deep Treatment Mask, Activlong Actiforce masque soin fortifiant, Curls Blueberry Bliss Reparative Hair Mask) 

Mask DIYs with a couple of drops of hydrolysed protein (rice, silk, soy, almond)

4 tbsp of oil/butter (olive, avocado, grapeseed, castor, shea butter, mango butter)
1 egg
1 tbsp of honey
4 to 6 tbsp of yoghurt or of grinded and strainered/filtered avocado/banana or conditioner
10 drops of vitamin E - 10 drops of essential oil peppermint/tea tree

Hydration or Moisturizing

LCO method - Liquid/Leave-in Cream Oil method

Liquid (Spray): 100ml of water + 1 tbsp of glycerine + 2 tbsp of aloe vera + vitamin E

Leave-in from the market (Cantu Leave-in, As I am Leave-in, Camille Rose Curl Love, Curls Blueberry Bliss Reparative Leave-in) 

Styling Cream from the market (Cantu Coconut Curling Cream, Camille Rose Twisting Butter, As I am double butter cream in combo with the leave-in Cantu) 

Oil (50% Grapeseed oil + 50% Castor oil) 

Shea butter 

Gel : 1. Curls Blueberry Bliss Control Jelly, 2. Camille Rose Curl Maker, 3. Eco Styler Gel Olive oil

Edge control : 1. Red One, 2. Shine n Jam, 3. Cantu edge control  


Rotate hair styles eventually according to seasons

Rotate the hair sections schema and hair styles (back, side, pony tail) 

Alternate simple tresses (2 brins/twists, 3 brins/single braids), flat tresses (flat twists, cornrows) 

Alternate tresses without extensions and tresses with extensions

Have removable hair style materials (postiche, beret, bonnet, hat, scarf, wig) 

Avoid doing very fine sections of hair frequently because it eases breakage  


Hairstyles cycle 

Here is a sample of hairstyles cycle rotation :

1. braids/twists without extensions (full, 3/4, 1/2) + cornrows, flat twists, bantu knots (0, 1/4, 1/2) - 2 weeks

2. cornrows or flat twists without extensions (full, 3/4, 1/2 - back straight, fulani pattern, side lemonade, ponytail bun) + braids, twists (0, 1/4, 1/2) - 2 weeks 

3.  braids/twists without extensions (full, 3/4, 1/2) + cornrows, flat twists, bantu knots (0, 1/4, 1/2) - 2 weeks

4.  hair out or hair plated with gel/wax (twist out, braid out, bantu knots out, curls, wash n go, afro - full, 3/4, 1/2) + flat twists, cornrows, bantu knots (0, 1/4, 1/2), puff, ponytails, buns, bantu knots, freestyles or mixed styles (out+plaits/tresses) - 2 weeks
5. braids/twists with extensions (full, 3/4, 1/2) + cornrows, flat twists, bantu knots (0, 1/4, 1/2) - 4 weeks


Frequency Hairstyler : during vacation


Example of deep care cycle (by a professional) :  body care, hair removal, specific face care + nails, hair care and hairstyle



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