Novembre 2023 - Day Planning, Activities, School Follow Up, Profession Choice, Life Cycle

Day Planning, Activities, School Follow Up, Profession Choice, Life Cycle  

EN (English)

Day Planning

A day has 24 hours for everyone. So what makes the difference? The organisation or schedule, the environment, the working methods, our own capacities, what we do (or are able to do).

So, planning our day is very important. Of course, all of our days are not going to be identical but they should have a pretty similar "model". Indeed, every day, everyone need to sleep (enough), to eat (as healthy as possible) and also to be active (manually and intellectually). Sleeping (8h to 10h), eating (2h) and moving (2h) a little take already almost half of the day. It remains then around 12 hours at our disposal to really capitalize.

Morning Preparation : 2h (6:00-08:00) 
Morning: 4h (8:00-12:00) 
Noon: 2h (12:00-14:00)
Afternoon: 2h to 4h (14:00-16:00) (16:00-18:00)
Evening: 2h to 4h (18:00-20:00) (20:00-22:00)
Moreover, week-ends are different from regular days, holidays are different from working days, and sometimes because of a special events (feasts, night shift, etc.), our schedule can be completely turned upside-down for some time.

In general, people follow the sun cycle to schedule their days. We can notice that most people sleep at night and work during the day when some people work at night and sleep during the day.

Here is a "sample" of day planning that I try to follow as often as possible.

1. Wake-up (breakfast, etc.)

Possible hours : (school : 6am-7am ; week-ends and holidays : 8am-9am)

2. Morning (8:00-12:00): morning 1 - morning break - morning 2 (various activities)

Possible hours (2h, 30min, 1h30, 30min) : 8am-10am + 10am-10:30am + 10:30am-12:00am  + 12:00am-12:30pm  

3. Noon break (lunch, etc.) 

Possible hours (1:30) : 12:30pm-2pm 

4. Afternoon (14:00-18:00): afternoon 1 - afternoon break - afternoon 2 (various activities)

Possible hours (2h, 30min, 1h, 30min) : 2pm-4pm + 4pm-4:30pm + 4:30pm-5:30pm + 5:30pm-6pm

5. Day break (pick up the kids, shower, homeworks, diner, various activities)

Possible hours (2 hours, 2 hours) : 4pm-6pm + 6pm-8pm 

6. Evening (various activities : manual or intellectual)

Possible hours (2 hours) : 8pm-10pm 

7. Sleeping (brushing teeth, etc.)

Possible hours : (school : 9pm-10pm ; week-ends and holidays : 10pm-11pm)  

8. Dawn (various activities : manual or intellectual)

Possible hours(1hour or 2hours) : 6am-7am or 5am-7am 



1. Various learning (school, training, etc.)
2. Learning support (school support, etc.)
3. Eat for your health (balanced diet, weekly planning)
4. Move for your health (sport, good habits/lifestyle, weekly planning)
5. Body care and Hair care (care, hairstyles, holiday planning)  
6. Games, Board/Video games, Online games
7. Reading, Writing, Speaking/Discussion, Music, Songs, Cinema, Dance   
8. Learning a second or third language 
9. Washing-up, Laundry, Cleaning (weekly planning)
10. Taking care of your environment (House, Garden, holiday planning)
11. House Project, Family life, Professional life 
12. Other Project 


House Care and Weekly Activities 


Washing dishes / Washing-up: Every day. After Meal (or at Noon and at Evening).

Cooking: Every 2 or 3 days.

Grocery Shopping : Every 2 or 3 days.

Cleaning House. Laundry. Ironing. : 1 or 2 times per week.

Stretching and/or Sport : 2 times per week.

Hair Care : Every 2 weeks.

Gardening: If Needed.


- Monday: Cooking. 

- Tuesday: Gym/Yoga/Pilates. Grocery Shopping.

- Wednesday: Cleaning the House (Spider nets, dust, vacuum or mop). Bed Sheets Change. Laundry. Ironing. Cooking. 

- Thursday: Gym/Yoga/Pilates. Grocery Shopping.

- Friday: Cooking.

- Saturday: Hair Care or Gardening. 

- Sunday: Same As Wednesday If Needed.   



School Follow up of children : Subjects, School Week Planning, Vacation Week Planning, Erasmus+ 


School Programs :  

School Books : -




1. French (audio-video-discussion, ComprehensionOrale, ExpressionOrale, lecture-grammaire-conjugaison-dictée-rédaction, ComprehensionEcrite , ExpressionEcrite)

2. English (audio-video-discussion, Listening, Speaking, reading-grammar-tenses-dictation-writing, ReadingComprehension, Writing)


3. Mathematics (lessons, exercises)

4. Physics-Chemistry (lessons, exercises)


5. SVT (Science of Life and Earth)

6. Technology-SNT (Science of Numeric and Technology) 
7. SES (Science of Economic and Social)


8. History-Geography-EMC (Education of Moral and Civic)

9. Spanish / German / Other Languages 

Middle School Option : European Language and Culture English - LCE Anglais
High School Option : European Section English - Section Européenne Anglais 

Plannings below are given as example and they are flexible. 

Planning for Class Week 

Monday (2h) : History-Geography-EMC, Spanish / German / Other Languages 
Tuesday (2h) : Mathematics / Physics-Chemistry (lessons, exercises), French 
Wednesday (2h) : Technology-SNT/SVT/SES (lessons, exercises), English
Thursday (2h) : Mathematics / Physics-Chemistry (lessons, exercises), French 

Friday : Checking/Evaluation + Re-Planning

Saturday morning (3h) : French / English
Saturday afternoon (3h) : French / English

Sunday morning (3h): Mathematics/Physics-Chemistry/SVT/Technology-SNT/SES (lessons, exercises)
Sunday afternoon (3h): Mathematics/Physics-Chemistry/SVT/Technology-SNT/SES (lessons, exercises) 

Week-end : homeworks/assesments from Monday to Wednesday 
Wednesday afternoon : homeworks/assesments for Thursday and Friday  

Planning for Vacation/Holiday Week (AllSaints-Christmas-Winter-Easter) (November-December-February-April)

Monday (6h): Mathematics / Physics-Chemistry (lessons, exercises)
Tuesday (6h): Mathematics / Physics-Chemistry (lessons, exercises)
Wednesday (6h): SVT / Technology-SNT / SES 
Thursday (6h): SVT / Technology-SNT / SES 

Friday : 

Saturday : 

Sunday (6h): French / English
(audio-video-discussion, Listening, Speaking, reading-grammar-tenses-dictation-writing, ReadingComprehension, Writing)


Planning for Summer Vacation (July-August)

Exercises books for vacation with all subjects until end of middle school (4th-5th grades) (1h to 2h per day) (2 to 4 pages) (exercises + correction)  
Examples of exercises books for vacation : Passeport, Nathan, Hatier, Magnard  
English : Revision A1 / A2 / B1 / B2 / C1 / C2


Revision simple tenses and tenses value + 1 dictation.
Revision homophones/confusions (a/as/à, ai/es/est/aie, ce/se/ceux, ces/s'est/c'est, etc.) + 1 dictation.  
Revisions composite/compound tenses, past participles, tenses value + 1 dictation.  

1 text with questions on grammar and comprehension
1 essay writing (imagination subject) : general plan + writing

1 text commentary : general plan and detailed plan + (writing)
1 dissertation : general plan and detailed plan + (writing)  

Subjects Preparation by parents - Children Supervision : current class + next class 
Cycle Brevet  : French, English, Mathematics, Physics-Chemistry, SNT, SVT
Cycle Bac : Specialties Subjects  (2 to 3), French, English, Philosophy 


Working Modes to combine

School: Teacher and group of learners/students 
Personal Work
Work with parents/family and/or tutors
Work in group with classmates/colleagues 


Erasmus+ Program 
Usually via your school institution (middle school, high school, university)  
Includes countries outside EU (European Union) like : UK, Switzerland, USA, Canada, etc.

See also Erasmus Mundus (master and phd level)

Profession Choice

Profiles - Prospective Professions - Opportunities - Preferences

Profiles Examples : scientific, technical, literary, artistical, sporty/athletic, profiles combination. 

Life Cycle

1. Family Development, Various Learnings : hygiene, house-garden maintenance, cooking, planning, activities, financial management, emotions handling, human relationship management 

0-6 years old (6)
6-11 years old (5)

Teenage years 
11-18 years old (7)

2. Individual and Family Development, Learning, Training,
Planning, Activities, Profession/Job, Family, House and Projects 

Young Adult 
18-25 years old (7)

25-45 years old (20)

45-65 years old (20)

3. Retirement, Family, Activities 

65-75 years old (10)
75-85 years old (10) 
Inter-generational link 


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